The Sculpture Park is open to the public for self-guided viewing or curator-guided tours from mid-July to mid-August each year. Exact opening times vary, so please check the website for the current years openings and events. In addition to openings for the general public to view the sculpture, other events and openings are held throughout the year.

Visiting the park

Jeffrey Rubinoff wanted the Park to be a place for the appreciation of non-commodity values of art. As such, there is no charge for admittance, or for tours, concerts, or events. The sculptures are permanently sited. They are not for sale, and cannot be shown in another museum or any other context.

2023 Public openings are 9:30 am to 1:30 pm on the following days:

Tuesday July 4
Thursday July 6

Tuesday July 11
Thursday July 13

Tuesday July 18
Thursday July 20

Tuesday July 25
Thursday July 27

Tuesday August 1 — 12pm Concert – See below for Details
Thursday August 3 — 12pm Concert – See below for Details

Tuesday August 8
Thursday August 10


Masters of Counterpoint Series August 1st and 3rd, 2023
Tuesday August 1 @ 12pm
Thursday August 3 @ 12pm

The Borealis String Quartet will perform selected repertoire to highlight the connection between counterpoint in musical and sculptural form.

Please bring a blanket or folding chairs and enjoy the performance outdoors in our amphitheatre. We encourage visitors to arrive early, reserve a spot, and then peruse the park. We also encourage visitors to bring sunscreen and water, it will be a hot day. Washrooms will not be available during the concert.

Special Landscape Tour with John McGillivray, Park Maintenance
2022 Tour date to be determined

Please email to book a spot on the tour.


Why book a curator-led tour?

Jeffrey Rubinoff’s sculptures communicate through an abstract language of gesture, form, rhythm, and movement. For those unfamiliar with viewing abstract sculptural work, a curator-led tour can introduce you to the artist’s aesthetic and philosophical aims, as well as his intellectual context and history. Over the course of an approximately two-hour stroll, you will be given visual and aesthetic-analytical tools to help understand and enjoy the collection more deeply.


The JRSP Audio Guide App

The JRSP Audio Guide App provides several themed tours that visitors can listen to as they walk through the park. These tours discuss the broader themes of the abstract sculpture of Jeffrey Rubinoff.

To download the app:

1. Go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for “JRSP Audio Guide”.

App Store:

Google Play Store:

2. Download the app onto your device,

3. Once the app is downloaded, you can download the tour (or tours) of your choice.

4. Hit “Start Tour” at the Information Centre Building and the introduction will play.

5. Begin your visit! The tour will automatically play as you move through the park.

Visiting outside public opening times

With sufficient advance notice and planning, we can open the park for individual viewing or tours outside of regular openings and pre-planned events. Permission is necessary to visit the park outside of regular openings. If you would like to propose an event or an individual tour, please contact us as far in advance as possible.


Can I use the park for an arts event?

If you would like to propose an educational event, conference, course or workshop at the Park, please do get in touch with us. There are several other regularly scheduled events throughout the year, so advance planning is crucial.

Please note that the Sculpture Park is mandated only to host events that engage with the sculpture collection, or with concerns or values expressed by Jeffrey Rubinoff.

If your event is approved, the venue is provided free of charge. No additional funding is available for such events.

We require that all events are free to attend, or by donation for a non-profit or public service cause.


Music in the park

Each year we host two public concerts during our summer opening season called Masters of Counterpoint. All the music performed employs a technique called counterpoint, which Rubinoff used extensively to compose his sculpture. For the past decade, the Borealis String Quartet has been our resident string quartet performing exquisite music by Beethoven, Haydn, Shostakovich, and Schönberg.

Ricerca tramite melodia

Nella scheda Canti sono possibili diverse tipologie di ricerca. È possibile utilizzare il pentagramma per la ricerca melodica, utilizzando i seguenti caratteri:

  • Chiave: “1-” (per la ricerca all’interno della melodia non immettere la chiave);
  • Note: “9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s”
  • Spazio tra neumi: “-“


  1- 9-a-b-c-d-e-f-g-h-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s 

Esempio melodia:
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Nota bene:
Riportare sempre lo spazio tra i neumi “-” per non inficiare la ricerca